Give to AFAM

The American Friends of Arts et Metiers (AFAM) is a non profit organization of type 501[c]3 whose tax ID is 26-2274822. Your financial contributions to AFAM may enable you to benefit from a tax deduction. Please consult your tax advisor to confirm the deductibility of your individual donation.

The AFAM is an integral part of the Arts & Metiers school's plans to enhance its global overture and successfully compete on the international scene against many (often well funded) larger technology institutes and universities throughout the United States, Asia, and elsewhere in Europe.

To donate, please use our form below: 

Online Donation

Use this form to make an online donation. If this is for something specific, please note that in the comment box

Donor information

Donation Information



Minimum Recommended Contribution Levels

AFAM Voting Member Graduated 5 years ago or less  - 100 USD
AFAM Voting Member Graduated more than 5 years ago - 300 USD
AFAM Friend - 500 USD
AFAM Patron - 1,000 USD
AFAM Director - 5,000 USD
AFAM Benefactor - 10,000 USD


All donations made to AFAM are subject to terms and rules defined in our Grant Policy as established and approved by the AFAM Boards of Directors and downloadable for public knowledge and donation approval. Each donation requires and implies the acceptance of such terms and rules.

We appreciate your financial support in helping AFAM and Arts & Métiers fulfill its mission in the U.S.

Note that you may pay your annual "cotisation Soce" through AFAM. Simply check the appropriate box above. We will inform Soce in order to secure your membership and transfer the corresponding amount (as defined by Soce according to your Promo) to them.

Within days of receiving you donation, we will send you a tax receipt corresponding to the portion of your donation in excess of your “cotisation Soce”. It should result in a tax deduction in the US given our 501[c]3 status. Please consult your tax advisor to confirm this tax benefit as individual situations may differ.


Jean Pommier

CFO, on behalf of the AFAM Board.
American Friends of Arts et Metiers 


* I understand that this donation is subject to the terms and policies outlined on this donation page and the Grant Policy

Each donation requires and automatically implies the approval and consent of the Grant Policy. The approval and consent of this policy does not require to return a signed copy of such Grant Policy. Should you have any question or comment, please contact us.