This is a new format: our US-based alumni meeting A&M PGE students online during English classes. Several classes with our alumni' participation happened in April and May 2024.

Several years ago we explored this format with Lille campus and this year decided to do it with Aix-en-Provence center.

AFAM would like to thank Christine White and Edna O'Dea, English language teachers on Aix-en-Provence campus, for giving this opportunity. Big thanks also go to our alumni:
Nicolas Horde (Ai 214), SF, CA
Xavier Ovize (Cl 189), Madison Heights, MI
Robert Stelly (Ch 97), Houston, TX
Laurene Rokvam (Bo 210), Chicago, IL
Adrien Monvoisin (Cl 204), Boston, MA
Moussa Nasroune (Ch218), New York, NY

who gave their time and participated in those Q/A English sessions.

Here is what one of our alumni, our Shasta mentor,  Robert Stelly (Ch 97), wrote about his participation:

On May 22, I participated in a Q&A session with 20ish students of the A&M center of Aix-en-Provence  This session was done in English and arranged by their English teacher. One hour session to answer various questions such as "What advice would you give for a good CV from the point of view of an American employer?", "What should we highlight on our CV?", "What advice would you give to Arts et Métiers students who are considering participating in a study exchange (internship /job) in the United States?", "What are the biggest differences between attitudes to work in France and in the US?",  "What opportunity prompted your move to the United States?", "Does the American way of life suit you well?", etc., etc. Answers were provided in English. I really appreciated this exchange and I believe the students also enjoyed talking to me. Several sessions with other alumni were also scheduled for other groups of students.

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On the picture: students during the class with Adrien Monvoisin (Cl 204)