Double National title for one of our Board members

When not in AFAM meetings or working with IBM clients or on a plane, Jean Pommier (An 183) will likely be outdoors, running for many miles at a time, a hobby, ultra marathon running, he calls his second job. This March, he managed to score two USA Trac & Field National titles in his age group, a week apart. First at the 100-mile Road Championship in Las Vegas, then the 50K Road National on Long Island in New York. With parents from Normandy, these achievements got covered in two pieces in Ouest France (100-mile, 50K). Jean has been selected for the mythical Spartathlon, a 245-kilometer foot race retracing Pheidippides journey between Athens and Sparta after the battle of Marathon, at the end of September. “After 188 ultra races, something new and a learning experience” says Jean about Spartathlon, “the longest I’ve run so far has been 215 km in 24 hours, but that was on a flat loop. This time I’ll have to get the help of some Greek gods to get me over Mount Parthenio! Time to review my mythology courses from middle school!”


Articles Ouest France

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